
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Please tell us that the news media will soon pick up the story of the "purge" of a moderate Republican in Rhode Island. The silence of the media on this issue is deafening. Why isn't the Mainstream Liberal Media ranting about the horrible nature of modern partisan politics when a moderate voice on the right is on the verge of losing his seat? Where is the David Brooks column demanding we stand for a Unity government? Where are the calls for civility. It reminds me of the time when Republicans were trying to purge our former president Clinton with impeachment proceedings and the Mainstream media stood for Unity and civility instead of a partisan "withhunt"...Oh wait a tick, that Mainstream media was allowing to gestate and/or pushing the Clinton Penis story and feeding the American public a nasty brew of wacko partisan zealot BS inuendo stew that ended up being a failed land deal and a cum-stained dress.

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